Saturday, November 12, 2005

Veteran's Day 2005, George W. Bush Style

President Bush took the occasion of Veterans Day to issue a withering response to critics of his foreign policy that led to American commitment to war in Iraq. Once again, he played the now well-worn card that those who disagree with him are "deeply irresponsible" because it demoralizes American troops and encourages America's enemies.

To sum it up, Mr. Bush turned this day dedicated to military men and women into a day about him. As he typically does, he used the military and their families as a physical backdrop to his speech. But even more conceptually, he used their "day" as something to prop up his own sagging reputation. As he did in his post-college days during the height of the Vietnam conflict, Bush used the sacrifice of others to attempt to protect his own hide.

If Bush were as noble and mature as his most ardent supporters say, he would have used Veterans Day to announce new programs that veterans and their families. What a grand opportunity it would have been for Bush to reassure America that under his stewardship, the government will institute new benefits and policies that will express thanks for their service and attend their future well-being.

Noble and mature? Not in this president. The nobility and maturity must come from the loyal opposition, who have been quiet for far too long...from Republicans who have been toadies to the administration since the 2001 inauguration...and most of all from the public who now must keep our heads and patience for three years while riding out the interminable remainder of the second term of this pretender to the throne.


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